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2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務

  • Cory May

  • 2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務 552
    The Seoul Government has given us Global Seoul-Mates our 2nd Mission~!!! In preparation for the 2014 Seoul Kimchi Making & Sharing Festival, we were given instructions to create a poster that included information about the event, and creative use of kimchi in the poster. Besides creating a poster that conveyed the information about the event, we were also tasked to come up with a unique catch phrase. I chose “Kimchi Will Satisfy Your Heart & Seoul.” It’s a true fact, and a play on words. I think it’s pretty nifty! There are extra points given to those who use photos of kimchi. I felt that many people would use photos of kimchi, so I wanted to portray the basic ingredients that go into making kimchi. I used these ingredients to form the shape of a heart, symbolizing kimchi’s benefits for your heart and blood pressure. Kimchi is very nutritious and helpful for your body! It’s also VERY delicious, and I eat it almost every day! If you are in Seoul, please check out the 2014 Seoul Kimchi Making & Sharing Festival~!!! It will be from 11.14 (Fri) ~ 11.16 (Sun), from 10am ~5pm, located at Seoul Square, Taepyeong Ave, Cheonggye Square, and Gwanghwamun Square.

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