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  • 2019 September (Vol.40)

  • 特刊 SMG 801
    I SEOUL U 2019 september No.40Seoul Adjusts Routes of Intra-city Buses Based on Big Data

Seoul will adjust the regular routes of intra-city buses with a focus on those with high levels of demand based on accumulated big data. The measure is being conducted in order to offer consumer-centered public transportation services and resolve the imbalances between the supplies of buses by scientifically analyzing their movement patterns according to hours, sections, areas, demand of passengers, and more. Through these adjustments, the city will reorganize inefficient routes and examine the expansion of squirrel and owl buses to satisfy the demands of passengers and their effective dispersion.

Seoul will also establish two to three routes of circulating buses in downtown areas. The downtown-circulating buses will be operated to prevent the inconvenience of passengers due to the ban on diesel vehicles and the restriction of ordinary vehicles in green areas. Green transportation areas connect historical and cultural tourist spots and major urban attractions. The routes for circulating buses will be customized and optimized to consider tourism, shopping, and entertainment, based on the comprehensive analysis of big data on traffic, communication data, number of tourists, and their courses.
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