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- 首爾Kimjang(越冬泡菜)文化節
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Seoul Royal Palace Guard Changing Ceremony
Now, I'd like to introduce the "Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony at Seoul Royal Palace."
The Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony at Seoul Royal Palace is organized by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and reenacts the changing of the chief gatekeeper and the gatekeepers at the palace's main gate, where the king lived during the Joseon Dynasty.
To begin, the government body that supervised the chief gatekeepers in the Joseon Dynasty was called the Sumunjangcheong. The gatekeepers were put into shifts and given the roles of gatekeeper, Chamha, and sixth level chief gatekeeper. They were responsible for guarding the palace gate, keeping an eye for onlookers, opening and closing the gate, and patrolling the inside and outside of the palace.
Now, let's learn more about the Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony at Seoul Royal Palace.
After the Gaesiktago, in which the Eomgosu strikes the drum three times, the Gunhohabuuisik begins, marking the beginning of the Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony. Here, the Gunho is a daily code word, limited to three letters, approved by the king and sent to the chief gatekeeper and other guards.
The chief gatekeeper and gatekeepers on duty are then stationed in front of the palace gate, and the chief gatekeeper and gatekeepers on patrol inside the palace move to the plaza in front of the palace entrance to get ready for their shift.
In the second step, called the Gunhoeungdae, the Chamha on duty and those covering a shift will verify each other's identities using their Gunho or military names.
This is when the Chamaluisik is held to officially introduce the new chief gatekeeper. The new chief gatekeeper goes over to the previous chief gatekeeper, states his name and rank, announces his new appointment, and asks to confirm appointment letter called Gyoji to the previous chief gatekeeper. After that, the new chief gatekeeper moves to where his subordinate gatekeepers are stationed to introduce himself and assesses whether or not they are prepared for duty.
The following is the procedure for receiving Yaksiham, which is a chest containing the keys to the palace gate with a verbal order of Choeom, and handing down the roles of the chief gatekeeper with a verbal order of Jungeom. The Busin is matched between the chief gatekeepers to check each other's identities, and the Wijangpae, a plaque proving the identity of the chief gatekeeper, is delivered.
When the Sameom command, which is the last command of the ceremony, is given, the gatekeepers switch their positions for shifts.
The command Yepil, which denotes the end of the change ceremony, is given to the gatekeepers, who then depart to their respective positions for Sunra or patrol.
The ceremony is held twice a day, Tuesday through Sunday (except Mondays), at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Apart from the ceremony, visitors are invited to participate in experiencing events. The Gaesiktago Experience, where visitors can play the drum that announces the start of the Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony, the One-day Chief Gatekeeper, where visitors can become a gatekeeper of the day, and the Traditional Clothing Experience, where the visitors can try on traditional Joseon Dynasty clothing, are also available.
By holding events like these, we raise public and international tourist knowledge of Seoul's rich cultural legacy, give tourist information, and provide the greatest attractions to improve Korea's reputation and contribute to vitalizing the local economy. The Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony at Seoul Royal Palace will become an even more appealing traditional cultural event with your support and encouragement.
Thank you for listening to the introduction of the Chief Gatekeeper Change Ceremony at Seoul Royal Palace.
儀式流程 | 所需時間 | 內容 |
擊鼓 | 2分鐘 | 告知交接儀式正式開始 |
下達軍號 | 2分鐘 | 軍號即密碼,兵曹每天指定三個字以內的密碼後奉告國王,獲得批准後下達至承政院,承政院的負責人,即注書再告知守門將和守門軍 |
巡邏市聽廣場 | 6分鐘 | 意指巡邏都城,從德壽宮大漢門至光化門廣場(普信閣)遊行 |
- 地址 : 100-120首爾特別市中區世宗大道99,德壽宮(貞洞)
- 宗廟祭禮 : 宗廟是供奉朝鮮歷任國王、王妃之靈位的祠堂,宗廟祭禮即在宗廟舉行的祭祀。
- 宗廟祭禮樂 : 舉行宗廟祭禮時的音樂和舞蹈
- 過去每年舉行五次(春天、夏天、秋天、冬天、臘日),現在改為每年5月的第一個星期日舉行
- 祭享儀式分為宗廟祭禮之前的籌備過程、國王出宮後到宗廟的御駕行列、舉行祭禮等三部分
- 1975年被指定為重要無形文化資產第56號,2001年被聯合國教科文組織指定為人類無形文化遺產
- 自2006年起升格為國際文化活動,每年5月的第一個星期日舉行
- 普信閣 : 韓國寶物第2號普信閣鐘曾位於此處。普信閣鐘用於在罷漏時(凌晨四點左右)和人定時(晩上十點左右)各敲33次和28次,以告知都城四大門的晨昏啟閉。
- 普信閣鐘 : 於朝鮮世祖14年(1468年)鑄造,原位於圓覺寺,於光海君11年(1619年)遷至現在的位置
- 普信閣鐘歷經風霜歲月和天災人禍,產生了很多裂痕,無法繼續使用,目前保藏在國立中央博物館
- 現在位於普信閣的鐘是由市民捐款而新建造的
- 該鐘於1985年8月14日被掛在現在的位置,同年8月15日光復節首次使用
報名時間 | 隨時 |
報名對象 | 任何人 |
報名人數 | 每天4名 (團體請事先預約) |
錄取方式 | 先到先得 |
報名方法 | 上網報名 https://culture.seoul.go.kr/culture/main/contents.do?menuNo=200049 |