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  • Spotlights on the future Magok District in Gangseo-gu

  • 活動 463
    The Magok-DMC-Guro triangle takes shape, the revenge of Seoul intra-muros, and a call for alleyways. By alleyways, I dont necessarily mean the last capillaries irrigating the actual Seoul Intra Muros Sadaemun, the original city surrounded by its fortress, but also the kind of inclusions that extend Seoul, the places where the city can freely and randomly stretch, grow more complex, and reach deeper, these intimate scars where your own mind cant help but wander. This so special Seoul Inter Muros. Cities souldnt be overly scripted: if urban planners do all the storytelling, how can citizens hear their own voices, write their own story? http://seoulvillage.blogspot.com/2013/01/magok-district-sim-city-as-in-seoul.html

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