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  • Marronnier Park Hyehwa

  • 活動 560
    Marronnier Park takes it’s name from the Marronnier tree that is located in the center of the park. The park is quite small but plays an important part in the lives of Seoulites. The park is located near Hyehwa Station. In 1975 the area began to develop. There are now over 50 theaters and hundreds of cafes. The park is located on the old ground of Seoul National University. Many university students come here to hang out with friends or before they go to the theater. There is a stage in the park where small concerts or plays are held. In the center of the park there is a statue of Kim Sang-ok. Patriot Kim Sang-ok was a freedom fighter against the Imperial Japanese occupation of Korea. Also located in the park is the Arko Art Center, opening hours 11am – 8pm, Closed on Mondays.

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