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  • visiting seoul?


  • Global Seoul Mate First Mission

  • 活動 370
    My first trip to Seoul last year was quite memorable I consider myself quite lucky to have been given the chance to see this magnificent city. The fusion of traditional and modern seemed effortless and seamless. The breathtaking sights, the tantalizing smells, the warmth of its citizens, all have left their mark. The city has inspired me to be more adventurous I have explored alleys that led me to wonderful gastronomic discoveries! Ive learned to not be afraid to say yes! when it comes to trying new things, experiencing and making new memories. I like Seoul so much that I didnt give it a thumbs up but a Hawaiian shaka….the best version of a thumbs up that I could think of. Seoul, I cant wait to explore more of what you have to offer. Until next time!

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