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  • 2021 March (Vol.58)

  • 特刊 SMG 1,244
    I SEOUL U 2021 March No.58 Seoul Continues to Implement Safe Pedestrian Measures in Full Swing as Schools Open with Pedestrian Priority for 2021 Starting in March, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) will be amending ordinances for reinforcing pedestrian safety, enforcing pilot projects, and launching public-private-police campaigns aiming at the harmonious coexistence of pedestrians, bicycles and personal mobility (PM).

Revising the law, including setting the speed limit for personal mobility
The SMG will be amending ordinances to set the speed limit (20 km/h) of personal mobility not only for the safety of pedestrians, but also of personal mobility users. However, the speed limit will differ on different roads so that personal mobility users can also exercise their right to ride unless it threatens pedestrian safety.
In addition, the SMG will ask for the amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act so that when there occurs an inconvenience of pedestrians due to illegal parking on the sidewalk, violating vehicles can be towed without a preliminary imposition of fines.

Pilot project for practical use of bicycle lanes in downtown as designated low-speed lanes
The SMG is reviewing its pilot project for designated low-speed lanes for some bicycle lanes in downtown Seoul. This will set the speed limit of 20 km/h for the outermost lane of roads with more than three one-way lanes so that users on bicycles and users of personal mobility can drive more safely.
The SMG will also focus on the preparation for the institution, keeping suggesting the item to the central government and the National Assembly, as the related articles of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act should first be amended for the official introduction of the designated low-speed lanes to respond to the increase in the use of electric scooters and bicycles.

Expansion of Seoul-type Safe Speed 532 project for 20km/h speed limit for side streets
The SMG has implemented the “Safe Speed 5030” project to set the basic speed limit for main roads (50 km/h) and side streets (30 km/h). Going beyond this project, the SMG will expand its Seoul-type Safe Speed 532 project to lower the speed limit to 20 km/h for pedestrian priority zones, such as side streets that lack sidewalks because it is too narrow.
Seoul-type Safe Speed 532 is a project that is conducted centering around school zones. It is a project to contribute to the safety of road traffic by suppressing the flow of vehicle traffic on side streets, which are difficult to be restructured. Last year, the project was implemented in 33 locations and it will be implemented in more than 35 locations this year.

Continued reinforcement of online & offline campaigns
The SMG will continue to seek cooperation for pedestrian safety in 2021. Each autonomous district will organize street campaigns for pedestrian safety in collaboration with volunteers, police and local personal mobility businesses. The campaign will take place with a small group of three to five individuals complying with the COVID-19 disinfection regulations. It will be promoted online in the form of video and will be continued until the end of the year. The SMG will lead a rapid settlement of the institution and culture through cooperation as it built a preemptive private-public-police cooperation system first in the nation through an MOU for pedestrian safety last year facing the rapidly changing traffic environment with the increased use of personal mobility. Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지 이전뉴스레터 홈페이지 페이스북 인스타그램 트위터 유투브 Seoul Continues to Implement Safe Pedestrian Measures in Full Swing as Schools Open with Pedestrian Priority for 2021 웹마스터 찾아오는길