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  • 2021 August (Vol.63)

  • 特刊 SMG 1,150
    I SEOUL U 2021 News Letter Special Issues No.63 August Seoul Begins a Fair and Sustainable Seoul-style Education Platform “Seoul Learn” Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
    The Seoul Metropolitan Government is building a Seoul-style education platform called “Seoul Learn” to fill the educational gap caused by the prolonged pandemic while implementing fair and sustainable lifelong education. The key points are to gradually expand its target learners from teenagers to young adults, then to all citizens over a three-year course from 2021 to 2023, and to establish Seoul Learn as a lifelong education platform that supports all types of education necessary for Seoul citizens’ life cycle. With this year as an introductory stage, Seoul Learn will provide a wide-ranged online learning content covering various curricular and non-curricular subjects for low-income teenagers who have difficulties accessing learning resources. Elementary school students can enjoy learning from the contents linked with games and cartoons; middle and high school students can access high-quality curricular courses. Teenagers who are interested in careers and employment can be introduced to promising jobs and supported with creative contents regarding the fourth industrial revolution such as coding and contents regarding exams for professional qualification and certificates. Seoul Learn is going to eliminate the inevitable learning gap coming from taking only online content by providing customized mentoring as well as provide coaches to learners to develop self-directed learning capabilities. Mentors and student mentees discuss to select learning goals according to the characteristics of individual student, while mentors will enhance their mentees’ wills to learn by supporting their emotional stabilities through academic progress management and curriculum recommendation. From the next year as the settlement stage, Seoul Learn’s contents will be expanded to include extracurricular subjects, such as music, art and IT, targeting general teenagers and young adults. Learners will be able to enhance their capabilities in employment by attending education programs by excellent firms. In addition, the platform will be applied with cutting-edge educational technologies. It is planned to be completed by 2023 and be built as an open and lifelong learning space where all the citizens can freely participate as consumers and producers of its learning content. The SMG began to build this Seoul-style education platform to become a fair, sustainable, and innovative city in terms of education that copes with the educational disparity caused by prolonged contact-free learning in this pandemic era. Seoul Learn will be completed as a lifelong education platform that supports all types of education necessary for Seoul citizen’s cycle of life, providing the directions of network-type future education appropriate for the era of Industry 4.0.
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