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  • Relic of poet Yun Dong-ju, “Yonsei University’s Pinson Hall”

  • 首爾文化遺產 SMG 1,623

    Standing in front of Underwood Hall, Stimson Hall, and Appenzeller Hall on the campus of Yonsei University in Sinchon is a British residential-style dormitory building. The building was named after, and in honor of, Dr. Pinson of America’s Southern Methodist Church, who made a major contribution to the fundraising effort for the construction of the campus in 1917.

    Pinson Hall was built in the same architectural style—British Gothic Tudor—and at around the same time as Underwood Hall, Stimson Hall, and Appenzeller Hall. However, as it was built to be used as a residential dormitory, it does not have the typical Gothic Tudor characteristics, such as a Tudor arch or bay windows.

    Built with bricks of mica schist and topped with a roof of western-style woven wooden trusses, Pinson Hall also features a row of rectangular windows. It was built in 1922 as a dormitory and is also the place where Yun Dong-Ju resided and wrote poems during his time at the university in 1938. Below the attic on the third floor, where he stayed at the time, a memorial hall was created for him. His manuscripts and the other written works on his desk transport visitors back to the time when he wrote his poems. He stayed at Pinson Hall, meditating, anguishing, and writing poems for three years. Yonsei University plans to renovate the entire Pinson Hall building to create a space to commemorate the 100th birthday of Yun Dong-ju in 2017, hoping to encourage more people to come and reflect on the poet’s life and work.
