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  • visiting seoul?

2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務

  • Goh Vanessa

  • 2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務 1,052
    Hi everyone, I’m Vanessa, a history undergraduate from Singapore. My research interest centres specifically on East Asia, particularly Korea. I was first exposed to Korea and its culture and was captivated by its beauty, whether aesthetically or otherwise. Since then, I have been regularly returning back in order to have a deeper understanding of the place and its people. Aside from travelling and history, I am also interested in the Hallyu culture, supporting the group “SHINee” as well as watching Korean dramas and variety shows regularly. I also enjoy experimenting various cooking styles and have recently tried to use Korean sauces to merge with local cuisines. I guess, in short, it could be said that Korea has become an essential part of who I really am, and cannot be omitted from a self-introduction.

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