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  • visiting seoul?

2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務

  • Goh Vanessa

  • 2014國際首爾伴侶 : 任務 575
    At last the mission for 2014 Global Seoul Mate is out! I had a fun time putting together the collage to form the word “Seoul”. As this mission was also an opportunity to get to know us, as global seoul mates better, I started the post with a self-introduction, followed by my aims of being a seoul mate, and finally I explained the rationale behind my collage composition. I took the pictures of S, E, O, U, L with that in mind and hence, as my blog post explains, each letter represents a different aspect of me as a person and my hobbies. Also, after putting together my collage, I did a YouTube video and created a word play using the letters that made up Seoul. The end product? “Soul Everlasting Opportunities for You, with Love”. I hope you look upon the video and the blog post kindly and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it!

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