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  • 2020 September (Vol.52)

  • 特刊 SMG 808
    I SEOUL U 2020 Semtember No.52Seoul Provides Emergency Disaster  Relief Funds to Non-Korean Residents The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) is providing “Emergency Disaster 
Relief Funds” to non-Korean residents suffering from the same hardships as much 
as Koreans due to COVID-19 so that there is no “violation of equal rights caused 
by irrational discrimination.”

Eligible applicants are non-Koreans who have been living in Seoul for over 90 days 
since reporting their alien registration as of Aug. 27 and have visas that permit 
employment and profit-making activities. The income criteria and amount of support 
will be the same as those of the Emergency Disaster Relief Funds for Korean residents
offered back in March.

Application is accepted both online and offline. Online registration is available 24/7 
from Aug. 31 to Sep. 25 at the website (http://fds.seoul.go.kr). The applicants can 
download the application form online and must submit the following documents 
as well: Agreement on the Collection and Use of Personal Data, and Certificate of 
Alien Registration.

Those who met all the requirements mentioned will receive from KRW 300,000 up 
to KRW 500,000 (one time) depending on the number of household members. 
The subsidy will be paid in the form of prepaid cards that can be used everywhere 
in Seoul until December 15.Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지이전뉴스레터홈페이지페이스북인스타그램트위터유투브 웹마스터찾아오는길