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  • Global Seoul Mate Announcement!!!

  • 시장실-뉴스 3,882
    Great News for you guys!!! Seoul Metropolitan Government and Galleria Duty Free have teamed up to create social media content mission in regards to “Spring in Seoul”. You job, if you choose to accept it, is to head out to 63 Square and then to the Yeouido Spring Flower Festival and more. You can then create content which you can upload to social media about your experience. You can get the full details about this event by visiting the link below. The entry period runs until March 28th so get your entries in! There will be 20 winners selected and the prize is a tour experience of 63 Square, Seoul Marina yacht ride, meals, Seoul City souvenir and more. more info click this link : http://english.visitseoul.net/visitseoul-promotions/Global-Seoul-Mate_/16475 I. Seoul. U ^^