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  • 首爾市-首爾警察廳發表「兒童受虐強化因應對策」

  • 福利/健康/安全新聞 SMG 606

    為簽署預防兒童受虐並保護受害兒童的業務協議,進一步建立有體系的共同因應系統,首爾市與首爾警察廳共同發表了「預防兒童受虐與因應系統強化對策」。對策主要內容為及早發現兒童受虐問題,快速且準確地判斷是否有虐待事實,進而保護受害兒童等所有過程的共同因應合作。 第一,將以受害兒童為優先,全面且大幅度地改善兒童受虐現場的因應系統。現場過去最飽受批評的,就是無法迅速提供受虐兒童醫療支援。未來全首爾市將有8間兒童受虐專責醫療機構,可於夜間、週末、緊急狀況等時迅速提供24小時醫療協助。自7月起,兒童受虐專家將直接參與整個過程,各自治區也將分別主持判斷兒童受虐案例的「兒童受虐判斷會議」。 第二,為預防並因應兒童受虐,將大幅擴充基礎建設。目前的首爾市兒童福利中心將擴充為「兒童受虐預防中心」,發揮預防、因應兒童受虐的指揮中心功能。市府將持續擴大兒童受虐相關業務的專責人力與保護設施,建立起穩固的專門因應系統。 第三,為及早發現有受虐風險的兒童,市府將定期針對未納入福利保護網內的兒童進行全面調查,也會持續改善制度並透過線上、線下的宣傳,改善民眾的認知並提高檢舉兒童受虐的意願,建立起更縝密的社會安全網。
    SMG–SMPA Announce Reinforced Measures for Responding to Child Abuse Poster
    CHILD ABUSE IS A CRIME  Report & Prevent Child Abuse Every child deserves a safe childhood. Your active awareness and report can safe a child’s life! POLICE 112 Call 112 to report child abuse. Child abuse is maltreatment from physical to sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect by guardians. Personal identity of reporters will be protected and kept thoroughly confidential. The SMG will reinforce child abuse response system: reorganize the Seoul Metropolitan Child Protection Agency and the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. operate eight dedicated medical institutions for around-the-clock response to child abuse cases. assess allegations of child abuse with experts such as doctors, lawyers and clinical psychologists. cooperate with the SMPA to oversee the entire process from child abuse report to child protection. Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Every Child Deserves A Safe Childhood! Your active awareness and report can safe a child’s life! Do your part to prevent child abuse! POLICE 112 Call 112 to report child abuse. Child abuse is maltreatment from physical to sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect by guardians. Personal identity of reporters will be protected and kept thoroughly confidential. The SMG will reinforce child abuse response system: reorganize the Seoul Metropolitan Child Protection Agency and the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. operate eight dedicated medical institutions for around-the-clock response to child abuse cases. assess allegations of child abuse with experts such as doctors, lawyers and clinical psychologists. cooperate with the SMPA to oversee the entire process from child abuse report to child protection.