那是個名為「The City」的節目,內容涉及全球氣候變化,介紹了隸屬於C40(世界大都市氣候先導集團)的城市們,包括約翰內斯堡、鹿特丹、休士頓、里約熱內盧,以及首爾。我作為首爾市長,在節目中談到首爾市為因應氣候變化,與國際機構及城市間的合作、新再生能源活用及擴大計畫、環保交通文化實踐,以及在此過程中的市民參與等的內容。昨天已經播出,各位可透過下列方式收看。
「The City」節目為Interactive campaign的一環,透過推特的#MyCityWish,向民眾徵求「市民若能擔任一日市長,想要做什麼呢?」的意見,各位不妨參與這個活動。不過說真的,我也很好奇若各位市民能成為一日市長,最想要做什麼呢?。那麼,接下來就請參考節目中所出現的英文內容翻譯吧。
My name is Won Soon Park, Mayor of Seoul Republic of Korea.
Seoul is including more than 10 million citizens.
It was exploded since 1970s so it is still our challenge to provide many housing and transportations.
Citizens can choose one day in a week as a free car day, around 36% of entire citizens are participating in our project.
It means that air quality is getting better.
If we set one policy and practice it, it can spread out to the other cities.
Within 2014, we are specifically targeting to reduce the 200 million tons of petroleum, which is compatible to capacity of one nuclear power plant.
In Korea, we are highly depending on nuclear power plant energy and also the Hukushima disaster in Japan also shocked korean people.
The ratio of our independence of electricity is only 2.8%, so we are really trying to increase it so it means finally we are trying to attain the goal of electricity independence.
Seoul citizens are very familiar with app and internet. You can see this site solar map, before they are starting to go to school or office they can have the information of how the air quality is.
Climate change is very serious to every cities in the world but Seoul is more serious condition.
This concept of sustainability is most important to the mayors of all cities. we met so many trials and errors so our experiences can be shared by many other asian and developing cities across the world.